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Subscription Billing

Simplify Payments, Automate Billing and Target Offers

Subscriptions are a double-win – boost your bottom line with recurring revenue while fostering stronger customer relationships. But managing recurring bills efficiently can be a challenge.

Subscription billing software empowers you to keep customers happy and revenue flowing. Learn more about the benefits of using a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) subscription billing solution.

What is subscription billing?

Subscription billing is a recurring payment system where customers gain access to your services or products for a set fee, paid regularly (monthly, quarterly, annually). It lets your company charge customers for services or products regularly. Like a Netflix membership – you pay, you access.

Traditionally, companies sent bills and customers paid manually. Now, things are automated! Customers provide payment information, and the fees are automatically collected at the agreed-upon interval. This streamlines the process for both businesses and customers.

Learn how to simplify the billing experience

Challenges of subscription billing


Revenue fluctuations and churn

Traditional billing risks late payments and involuntary churn, hindering cash flow and growth while leading to lost revenue from forgotten payments and expired cards.

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Administrative burdens and scalability

Manual processes strain resources, slowing growth as your customer base expands. Restricted payment options limit accessibility and customer.

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Missed upsell and retention opportunities

Traditional methods lack crucial user data. This hinders personalized offers and proactive churn prevention, leading to missed revenue opportunities.

Leading SaaS subscription billing platform

Tired of wrestling with clunky subscription billing and bundled services? CSG Ascendon is a SaaS subscription billing platform that empowers you to effortlessly manage subscriptions, delight customers and unlock explosive revenue growth.

Discover CSG Ascendon
  • Offer endless possibilities: Whether it's monthly memberships, daily passes or unique bundles, create flexible subscription plans that perfectly fit your customers' needs.
  • Seamless customer journeys: From frictionless sign-ups to automated renewals, guide your customers through a delightful subscription experience that keeps them coming back for more.
  • Global reach, effortless payments: Accept payments from anywhere in the world, using any method your customers prefer. Gift cards, digital wallets, credit cards - it's all covered.

What does a subscription billing system do?

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Boost revenue predictability

Make failed or missed payments a thing of the past by ensuring customers pay on time, every time. 


Simplify customer management and costs

Streamline billing operations with automated invoicing, payment processing and tax calculations, saving up to 15% on infrastructure and maintenance costs.


Enhance customer experience

 Offer flexible subscription plans, easy upgrades/downgrades and self-service portals, leading to 100% digital customer engagement.

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Scale globally with ease

Support multiple currencies, languages and payment methods to reach new markets seamlessly.


Improve time to market

Get new lines of business up and running in weeks, not months and reduce time to market by 85%.

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Keep customers loyal

Boost conversion rates by up to 30% with highly targeted and personalized offers.

Ready to get started?

Request a free demo of CSG Ascendon and discover how our subscription billing software can help you engage customers and achieve your business goals.

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  • CSG is a trusted partner of ours and their expertise and commitment to our success enabled us to go live on time. 

    Asanga Gunatillaka, Commercial Director of Consumer and Direct Business, TalkTalk