CSG Route Datasheet
Buying and selling international traffic is a critical component of the wholesale telecom business. It requires precision, market‐responsiveness and the coordination of many parts of the organization.
View datasheetImprove margins with streamlined, automated routing
Buying and selling international traffic is a critical component of the wholesale telecom business. It requires precision, market‐responsiveness and the coordination of many parts of the organization. CSG Route, the most widely deployed Routing and Trading system in the world, helps you to minimize the cost of interconnect, and more effectively manage your revenue‐critical inter‐carrier business.
CSG Route combines optimized routing, dynamically selecting preferred routes based on an array of customer‐configurable algorithms; automated provisioning of routing logic against all of the world’s leading switch types, and a ‘routing desk,’ providing hands‐on control, visibility and insight to the inter-carrier side of the business.

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