Focus on These 3 Themes at MWC Barcelona 2024 


Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information at MWC Barcelona 2024? You’re not alone! This year’s event promises to be bigger and more impactful than ever, but navigating the agenda can be daunting.

If you’re like most people paying attention to MWC, your priorities are boosting revenue and cutting costs in 2024. Here are three key themes to focus on at MWC, packed with insights and actionable takeaways:

1. Pragmatic AI: Optimizing, Automating and Personalizing

While AI’s potential to transform communication service providers’ (CSPs’) operations and customer experiences is undeniable, many CSPs struggle to move beyond pilot projects and achieve tangible results.

However, a transformative shift is underway with a recent report noting 67% of respondents trialing and implementing AI have seen revenues increase and costs decrease. But it’s not just about technology. Humanizing AI matters too. AI can go beyond generic bots to:

  • Target customer segments: Different consumer and business profiles may require different personalization strategies
  • Natural language processing (NLP): Analyze customer sentiment, extract key information and trigger next best action based on customer intent
  • Predictive analytics: Anticipate customer churn, network issues and equipment failures by enabling proactive interventions and personalized offers
  • Manage any market offering: Do away with the “one-size-fits-all model” and instead leverage AI to provide personalized insights for consumers and CSPs


MWC Barcelona 2024 offers a unique opportunity to learn from real-world success stories and gain insights into cutting-edge AI applications. Look for sessions and presentations that showcase:

  • Proven use cases: Discover how leading CSPs are using AI to optimize network performance by predicting and preventing outages, automate operations from customer service to network maintenance, and deliver effortless customer experiences
  • Quantifiable results: Go beyond theoretical benefits and delve into data-driven metrics like revenue uplift, cost reduction, and improved customer satisfaction achieved through successful AI implementations.
  • AI governance and ethics: Explore the critical role of responsible AI development and deployment, ensuring data privacy, security and fairness in these powerful technologies.
Book your personalized demo today and join us at MWC 2024 (Hall5 Stand 5C51and AWS Next Level, Upper Walkway, South Entrance) 

2. Will the Real 5G Please Stand Up?

The industry buzzes with 5G promises, but where’s the reality? Is it a marketing mirage or a transformative game-changer? For CSPs, navigating this uncertainty can be intimidating. We expect the conversation in 2024 to peel back the layers of 5G hype and unveil its true potential and tangible benefits.

What will separate the 5G buzz from real-world benefits?

  • New revenue streams: Network slicing unlocks personalized offerings, IoT monetization and premium tiers for businesses and specialized users
  • Leveraging a data ecosystem: Collaborating with businesses to tap into valuable network intelligence and user data insights lets CSPs create win-win solutions
  • Enhanced customer experience: Guaranteed performance through slices improves service quality, reduces churn and boosts average revenue per user (ARPU)
  • Agility and innovation: Faster service rollout enables CSPs to meet evolving demands, foster innovation and explore new 5G use cases
  • Moving beyond connectivity: CSPs can evolve from connectivity providers to platform enablers, opening doors to a world of innovative digital solutions


You’ll also want to immerse yourself in sessions exploring:

  • New frontiers of collaboration: See how CSPs and industry leaders are co-creating seamless, integrated 5G experiences that benefit everyone
  • Data-driven personalization: Discover how AI and advanced analytics personalize the 5G experience, ensuring each customer feels valued and engaged
  • The future of the bundle: Catch thought-provoking discussions on the relevance of traditional bundles in the 5G era. Explore flexible subscription models and customizable options that cater to today’s diverse needs

3. No Longer a Second Thought: The Cybersecurity Imperative

As the world is more defined by hyperconnectivity and data-driven operations, cybersecurity is no longer just an IT concern—it’s business-critical. Data breaches cost organizations millions, erode customer trust and can lead to regulatory penalties. For CSPs navigating the complexities of 5G networks and emerging technologies, proactive cybersecurity measures are essential.

Here’s why:

  • Growing Attack Surfaces: 5G networks usher in a wave of connected devices, with estimates reaching 1 million per square kilometer. This vast attack surface exposes critical infrastructure and sensitive data to a wider range of potential threats.
  • Emerging Risks: Generative AI models like ChatGPT, while offering exciting possibilities, pose new security challenges. Open-source models may accidentally expose sensitive data entered by users, requiring careful implementation and robust security protocols.
  • Evolving Threats: Synthetic fraud, which combines real and fabricated information, has seen a 382% surge in the financial services sector. As cybercriminals become more sophisticated, CSPs need adaptive and intelligent security solutions.


MWC Barcelona 2024 provides a unique opportunity to engage with industry leaders, explore innovative solutions and stay ahead of the cybersecurity curve. Attend sessions on:

  • Zero Trust Security: Zero Trust Security offers a comprehensive approach, shifting the focus from perimeter defense to continuous verification and least-privilege access. This ensures that every user and device, regardless of location or role, is granted only the minimal access needed to perform their tasks.
  • Securing 5G Networks: The unique architecture of 5G introduces new vulnerabilities. Look for solutions designed to protect distributed networks, encrypt sensitive data and mitigate risks associated with network slicing and edge computing.
  • Building Cyber Resilience: Don’t just react to threats, anticipate them. Proactive measures like threat intelligence, security awareness training and incident response planning are crucial for building a resilient security methodology.

Join the Conversation at MWC Barcelona 2024

The most valuable discussions happen beyond the stage. Connect with us at MWC to:

  • Brainstorm solutions with industry experts
  • Discover practical insights on AI, 5G, partnerships and cybersecurity
  • Learn how to thrive in the 5G era

Don’t wait! Reserve your meeting with our team today. Make the most of your time at the event by meeting with CSG’s experts to talk about initiatives that are practical enough to apply now, and bold enough to drive growth far into the future.

MWC Barcelona

Did you miss this year’s event? You can still meet with CSG’s experts to talk about initiatives that are practical enough to apply now, and bold enough to drive growth far into the future.

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Focus on These 3 Themes at MWC Barcelona 2024