A woman prepares to cook at home while look at a tablet device propped up on the table.

The Recipe for CX Success

Creating an extraordinary customer experience (CX) is like cooking your favorite holiday dish. All the ingredients and seasonings are perfectly combined in a process that’s been simplified down to an exact science, resulting in a meal that always seems to taste better than the last time. But before you know how to make it by heart, you rely on a recipe to satisfy the toughest demands.

Generally, you start with a vision for your meal—likely inspired by the demands of your pickiest customers (children, cough cough). Then, if you’re like me, you start brainstorming meals that will make them smile and scrape their plates clean. You search for recipes, only to discover the meal that you want to make has a bunch of ingredients you’ve never heard of and, there are 10 different steps that you’re not even sure how to do (how do you “braise” the vegetables?). This scenario may sound familiar—not only in your kitchen, but at your business.

Cooking up the Perfect CX is Challenging

Your customers demand great experiences, just like your family wants a delicious meal. You know you need to make it happen, but in many cases, you don’t know what the essential ingredients are for good CX or how to blend them together to achieve desired business results. The good news is, you’re not alone. According to a study of 480 CX leaders conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of CSG, 90% of leaders said identifying where to start is challenging. They are still searching for the recipe for CX success.

Additionally, not all experiences are created in the same way. You don’t use the same recipe to prepare the turkey that you use for the pumpkin pie, but there are some common ingredients (e.g., butter, salt) and cooking processes. Similarly, retail businesses send different customer messages (buy it now) than healthcare organizations (confirm your appointment) or banks (suspicious account activity detected)—but rely on common CX best practices.

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CSG makes it easy for businesses to cook up exceptional experiences. All you have to do is follow a recipe that outlines the key ingredients for success and details the steps required to serve up ROI-driven results.


Essential CX Ingredients


Follow this recipe for CX success:

Step 1: Prepare Your CX Kitchen for Cooking

Participate in a free, interactive workshop to pinpoint opportunities for improvements based on your organization’s CX maturity and your desired business results (such as customer acquisition and retention, cross-selling and greater customer satisfaction).

Step 2: Grab the Customer Journey Cookbook off the Shelf

Start orchestrating meaningful customer experiences by implementing the most important journeys for your industry with minimal IT effort. Use a cookbook of pre-built journeys for financial services, retail, telecommunications and healthcare—each filled with industry best practices to quickly drive meaningful customer engagement.

Step 3: Blend Siloed Data and Systems

With relevant business metrics and customer journeys in focus, seamlessly connect pre-built journeys to your tech stack for immediate go live. Bring all the necessary data together with pre-configured integrations into relevant systems.

Step 4: Cook up Successful Customer Journeys

Last and most importantly, leverage CSG Xponent, our award-winning, industry-leading customer engagement platform, which combines a customer data platform with best-in-class customer journey analytics and orchestration capabilities. This system of intelligence turns your statically mapped customer journeys into real-life digital touchpoints, all orchestrating in real time.

Contact us to get started with our free CX Maturity Model Assessment to uncover how you can take your business to the next level. Let’s get cooking!

The Recipe for CX Success